Philadelphia Awards Reception
March 10th,2016 5:50 pm - 8:50 pm
Penns Landing Caterers
1301 S. Columbus Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA, 19147
The Peggy Browning Fund's Philadelphia Awards Reception recognizes leaders in the region for their achievements on behalf of workers.
The reception begins at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, networking and buffet dinner. The awards ceremony begins at 7:15 p.m.
Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager, Laborers' District Council of Philadlephia
Margaret R. Brogan, Esq., Arbitrator & Mediator
Host Committee:
Michael Artz Thomas Bender Pasquale Bianculli Neal Bisno Rick Bloomingdale Richard Brean Daniel Brent Scott Buchheit Robert Curley Stuard Davidson Walter DeTreaux John Dougherty Kenneth Egger Patrick Eiding Walter Higgins Gwen Johnson John Kane Rhonda Gelman Kelley Ted Kirsch James Kokolas Barbara Lichtman Gail Lopez-Henriquez Joseph Lurie Dennis Martire Mary Anne Moffa Deborah Murray-Sheppard Robert O'Brien Vincent Pitta Samuel Pond Richard Resnick Lynn Rhinehart Mariann Schick Richard Sigmond Samuel Staten, Jr. Alan Symonette Patrick Szymanski Hon. Christine Tartaglione Gary Tocci Gwynne Wilcox Alaine Williams Fred Wright Wendell Young IV Barbara Zausner
Sponsors (As of 3-4-16)
LiUNA! Mid Atlantic Region
IBEW Local 98
Laborers' District Council of Philadelphia & Vicinity
Littler Mendleson PC
Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano/Union Services Access
Ace Reporters, Inc.
Baltimore/Washington Laborers' District Council
IUPAT District Council 21
Laborers' District Council of Eastern PA
Laborers' Int'l Union of North America
Laborers' Local Union 57
NUHHCE District 1199C
Reed Smith LLP
UFCW Local 1776
Willig, Williams & Davidson
Margaret Brogan and Barry Winograd
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC
CBTU So. Eastern PA & Gtr. Philadelphia Chapter
Cleary, Josem & Trigiani LLP
Disston Chiropractic & Rehab
Heavy & Highway Construction Workers Local 152
IATSE Local 8
Independence Blue Cross
Laborers' District Council of Western PA
Barbara Lichtman
Markowitz & Richman
Nat'l Electrical Contractors Assn. PA-DE-NJ Chapter
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Prestige Rehabilitation Services
Safety Research Inc.
SEIU Healthcare PA
Spinal Care
Stevens & Lee
US Legal Support
USW District 10
Salz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, PC
Lawrence S. Coburn
Howard Grossinger
Law Offices of Jeffrey P. Zeelander
Louis P. Matucci & Associates Ltd.
Joan Parker
Charles S. Strickler
Jeffrey B. Tener
Sponsorship Levels
Steward Sponsor $10,000+
- Recognition as an event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover Ad in program book
- Recognition from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Sixteen reservations to the reception
Guardian Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition as the event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover or Center Ad in program book
- Recognized from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Eight reservations to the reception
Fellow Sponsor $2,500
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Gold Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Four reservations to the reception
Advocate Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Full Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Two reservations to the reception
Levels Below Do Not Include Reservations to the Reception or Ads in the Program Book!
Friend $500
- Listing in event program and on website
Donor $250
- Listing in event program and on website
Supporter $100
- Listing in event program
Program Book Ads - Do Not Include Reservations!
- $1,000 Gold Page Ad (4.5”W x 7.5”H) Gold Ink
- $500 Full Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 7.5”H)
- $400 Half Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 3.5”H)
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