DC Awards Reception
June 8th,2016 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
AFL-CIO Lobby and Gompers Room
815 Sixteenth Street
Washington, DC, 20006
The Peggy Browning Fund's Washington, DC Awards Reception recognizes leaders in the region for their achievements on behalf of workers.
The reception begins at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, networking and buffet. The awards ceremony begins at 7:15 p.m.
Host Committee:
Michael Artz Paula Caira Jody Calemine Mary Joyce Carlson Jeremiah Collins Ron Collins Fred Feinstein Leah Ford Douglas Greenfield Yvette Herrera Edgar James Rhonda Gelman Kelley George Kohl James Kokolas Daniel Kovalik Homer La Rue Joseph Lurie William Lurye Shawn Miller Mary Anne Moffa Vincent Pitta Richard Resnick Richard Rouco Lynn Rhinehart Craig Rosenbaum Sandy Rusher Judith Scott Christopher Shelton Sara Steffens Robert Stropp Christian Sweeney Patrick Szymanski Marley Weiss Gwynne Wilcox
Sponsors (As of 6-2-16)
Communications Workers of America
Int'l Brotherhood of Teamsters
United Steelworkers
Bredhoff & Kaiser PLLC
American Postal Workers Union
James & Hoffman, PC
Murphy Anderson PLLC
USW District 4
USW District 7
USW District 11
Assoc. of Flight Attendants-CWA
Blitman & King LLP
Guerino J. Calemine
Calibre CPA Group PLLC
Center for Economic Organizing
Creighton, Johnsen & Giroux
Eberts and Harrison, Inc.
Feinstein Doyle Payne & Kravec, LLC
Howard Grossinger & Melvin Vatz
Jobs With Justice
Nat'l Association of Letter Carriers
Nat'l Nurses United
O'Donoghue & O'Donoghue LLP
Robein, Urann, Spencer, Picard & Cangemi, APLC
Segal Group
Sherman, Dunn, Cohen, Leifer & Yellig, PC
Slevin & Hart, PC
USW District 9
USW District 12
USW Local 675
The Atlas Project
Orrin D. Baird
Jeremiah A. Collins
Karen and John Ferguson
Guerrieri, Clayman, Bartos & Parcelli, PC
Osborne Law Offices, PC
USW District 8
Barr & Camens
J. Penny Clark
Barbara Kraft and Peter Winkler
Law Office of Vincent Trivelli PLLC
Patrick M. Flynn, PC
USW Local 392
Washington-Baltimore News Guild
Sponsorship Levels
Steward Sponsor $10,000+
- Recognition as an event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover Ad in program book
- Recognition from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Sixteen reservations to the reception
Guardian Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition as the event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover or Center Ad in program book
- Recognized from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Eight reservations to the reception
Fellow Sponsor $2,500
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Gold Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Four reservations to the reception
Advocate Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Full Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Two reservations to the reception
Levels Below Do Not Include Reservations to the Reception or Ads in the Program Book!
Friend $500
- Listing in event program and on website
Donor $250
- Listing in event program and on website
Supporter $100
- Listing in event program
Program Book Ads - Do Not Include Reservations!
- $1,000 Gold Page Ad (4.5”W x 7.5”H) Gold Ink
- $500 Full Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 7.5”H)
- $400 Half Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 3.5”H)
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