Chicago Awards Reception
November 14th,2017 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Drake Hotel
140 East Walton Place
Chicago, IL, 60611
The Peggy Browning Fund's Chicago Awards Reception recognizes leaders in the region for their achievements on behalf of workers.
The reception begins at 6:00 p.m. with cocktails, networking and buffet. The awards ceremony begins at 7:30 p.m.
James P. Connolly, Business Manager, Laborers' District Council of Chicago & Vicinity
Stanley Eisenstein, Esq., Katz, Friedman, Eagle, Eisenstein, Johnson & Bareck, PC
Craig Rosenbaum, Esq., Executive Director & General Counsel, Chicago News Guild
Host Committee:
Ralph Affrunti Anthony Alfano Sarah Arendt Michael Artz Phillip Bareck Barry Bennett Robert Bloch Mitch Bramsteadt Richard Brean Grace Catania Gil Cornfield Ian Elfenbaum Joshua File Don Finn Niraj Ganatra Angie Cowan Hamada Terrence Hancock Terrence Healy Brian Hickey David Huffman-Gottschling Richard Johnson Rhonda Gelman Kelley Wes Kennedy James Kokolas Karen Kent Charles LoVerde, III Joseph Lurie Mary Anne Moffa Gail Mrozowski Dale Pierson Vincent Pitta Robin Potter Jorge Ramirez Richard Resnick Lynn Rhinehart Jay Smith James Sweeney Patrick Szymanski Don Viller Devki Virk Gwynne Wilcox
Sponsors (As of Nov. 8, 2017)
IUOE Local 150
Laborers' District Council of Chicago & Vicinity
LiUNA Great Lakes Region Organizing Committee
Dowd, Bloch, Bennett, Cervone, Auerbach & Yokich
The Gittler Family
Katz, Friedman, Engle, Eisenstein, Johnson & Bareck, PC
Laborers' Int'l Union of North America
LiUNA! Local 4
USW District 7
Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers ADC1 of Illinois
Chicago Area LECET
Chicago Federation of Labor
Chicago Laborers' District Council - LDCLMCC
Elfenbaum, Evers & Amarilio, PC
Friends of Michael J. Madigan
IUOE Local 399
LiUNA Local 1
LiUNA Local 2
LMCC Chicago
Painters' District Council 14
Segal Consulting
SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana
Teamsters Joint Council 25
Teamsters Local 731
USW Local 7-1
Allison, Slutsky & Kennedy
Bansley and Kiener, LLP
Calibre CPA Group, PLLC
Chicago Building Trades Council
Cornfield and Feldman
G&R Public Law and Strategies
Illinois Advocates, LLC
Illinois Education Association
IUE-CWA Local 800
Jacob, Burns, Orlove & Hernandez
LiUNA Local 1092
LiUNA Local 76
Medical Cost Management Corp.
NABET-CWA Local 41
National Investment Services, Inc.
Roofers & Waterproofers Local 11
UAW Region 4
UFCW Local 881
UNITE HERE Local 450
USW District 7
AFSCME Council 31
Illinois AFL-CIO
Laborers' Local 75
Ogletree Deakins
The Karmel Law Firm
Barr & Camens
DePaul University Labor Education Center
Hunt Insurance Group
Laborers' Local 5
Laborers' Local 1035
NPMHU Local 306
Sprinkler Fitters Local 281
Sponsorship Levels
Steward Sponsor $10,000+
- Recognition as an event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover Ad in program book
- Recognition from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Sixteen reservations to the reception
Guardian Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition as the event sponsor in all event program books, in the PBF newsletter and on website
- Cover or Center Ad in program book
- Recognized from the podium during the Awards Presentation
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Eight reservations to the reception
Fellow Sponsor $2,500
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Gold Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Four reservations to the reception
Advocate Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition in all event program books and on website
- Full Page Ad in program book
- Business Name/logo in Power Point display
- Two reservations to the reception
Levels Below Do Not Include Reservations to the Reception or Ads in the Program Book!
Friend $500
- Listing in event program and on website
Donor $250
- Listing in event program and on website
Supporter $100
- Listing in event program
Program Book Ads - Do Not Include Reservations!
- $1,000 Gold Page Ad (4.5”W x 7.5”H) Gold Ink
- $500 Full Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 7.5”H)
- $400 Half Page Ad B/W (4.5”W x 3.5”H)
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