SEIU Fellows Participate in Jobs Rally
Monday, August 10th, 2015

Stephanie Ainbinder, Sarah David Heydemann and Mitchell West join other SEIU law clerks for the Good Jobs Nation action in Washington, DC.
On July 22nd, PBF’s SEIU fellows Stephanie Ainbinder, Sarah David Heydemann and Mitchell West participated in an action organized by Good Jobs Nation in Washington, DC. The goal of the action was to pressure the federal government to raise wages to $15 for government subcontractors, as well as support unionization of subcontractors.
Strike notices were delivered to the subcontractors whose employees were participating in the strike, followed by marching and rallying alongside workers from around the city. Joining the action was U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, as well as congressional representatives Keith Ellison, Judy Chu and Janice Hahn.
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