Washington DC Reception - A Great Opportunity for Peggy Browning Fellows

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

On June 26, the AFL-CIO Lobby and Gompers Room was filled with guests from the labor community coming together to recognize Edwin D.Hill, President of IBEW; Wilma B. Liebman, Esq., Past Chairman of the NLRB and Joshua M. Javits, Esq., Arbitrator and Mediator for their dedication to the rights and needs of workers.

The Peggy Browning Award was given to all three by Peggy Browing Fund Board Chair Dennis Walsh.  Sam Chilia, International Secretary Treasurer of the IBEW, accepted the award for Ed Hill who was called out of town unexpectedly.

Over 40 Peggy Browning 2012 fellows and alumni were present and were given the opportunity to network with top international union leaders and union-side attorneys. Andrea Zuniga DiBitetto, PBF '06 and current Legislative Affairs Specialist with the AFL-CIO, spoke about her Peggy Browning Fellowship experience.

The proceeds from this reception will directly fund this year's Fellowship Program and a portion of the National Law Students Workers' Rights Conference.



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